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Dealing with the Prequalification Burden? We’ve Got a Template to Help You Push Back

HSE paperwork
Drowning in HSE paperwork

If your business is like ours, you've probably faced the growing problem of multiple health and safety prequalification systems.

Don't get us wrong - we are OK with having to meet a standard - but come on guys - the same stuff on over 70 systems.
Safety First!! But lets not be busy fools - when we we could be adding value.

Each client requires different information, leading to unnecessary duplication, wasted time, and significant cost.

This process takes our attention away from what really matters—ensuring a safe working environment.

At McLeod, we’ve adopted the Tōtika system, which simplifies prequalification by providing a single, industry-wide standard.

Tōtika was designed to reduce the need for repetitive work on submissions, saving both contractors and clients time and money.

However, not every organisation is on board with Tōtika yet, which means we're still battling the issue of multiple prequalification demands.

To help address this, we’ve written a letter to encourage clients and contractors to recognise Tōtika certification and help reduce the proliferation of redundant parts of prequalification systems.

We have also made a submission to the Minister on how much time this is taking small to medium businesses.

If your business is facing the same challenge, you can use our letter as a template to push back and request that your clients recognize your existing certifications.

By working together, we can help streamline the process, reduce costs, and focus on meaningful health and safety improvements.

We’ll keep you updated on our progress by naming those systems who support a common standard and those who don’t.

This list will hopefully help business choose the good guys when selecting a prequalification provider.

Feel free to reach out if you’d like a copy of the letter template—we’re happy to share! Email

In the mean time sit back and enjoy our Prequal Shuffle song on how crazy this all is. 😳

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